
071820041014 - the end.
071520042051 - finally, a thought of clarity. (third entry today)
071520041342 - flashbacks
071520041226 - should i go tonight?
071320042058 - loose-lipped secrets
071320040119 - i think it's a rant.
071220041239 - null.void.
071120042322 - an entry for myself, not for the sake of art or the sake of you. fuck you.
071020040244 - is anything worth anything?
070820041137 - yeah motherfucker, i'm talking to you. wake up.
070720041536 - i guess it was a good day...
070520042022 - happy whatever.
070320040059 - hello (again), amanda...
070120042247 - i HLAOTVEE you (mood swings are fun)
070120041227 - july is hot, but this is hotter!


decay advance