
033120041725 - where do you turn when inspiration is dead?
033020041448 - good luck with life
032920041949 - cold roast beef
032820042034 - i would never change anything
032820041059 - new beginnings? let's just start over
032720042324 - every day a piece falls away.
032720041013 - i have no one else to talk to...
032620041958 - i hate myself
032520042301 - useless promotion
032420042230 - (i'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions)
032320042343 - i cry when you're not watching
032320041503 - the only thing i'll ever understand is that i love you.
032220042106 - breathing in the air you've left behind
032120041830 - for shelly
032120041720 - i gave you a card the next day
031920042034 - i made you a card that i'll never give you
031820042153 - party over he-ah!
031720040940 - escape, my fallen angel...
031520042003 - b a d d a y
031420042222 - a word that will never reach his ears
031420040113 - breakthrough
031420040107 - the definition of humanity
031320041226 - pointlessly selfish
031120041612 - excuse me, your evil scheme is showing...
031020042133 - too dead to be dead
031020041755 - holding my breath with the best intentions
030820041412 - if i stay here i'll be dying forever
030720041937 - nothing
030720041121 - ammunition... depleted
030420042150 - make it stop
030320042241 - fuck everything
030220042133 - the stars know everything
030220041943 - shoot me down at the speed of light


decay advance